Team MDT - Sheepdog | Paintmines | Alabama Precision - Field Report

Posted by Thomas Gomez on 2024 Jul 24th

Team MDT - Sheepdog | Paintmines | Alabama Precision - Field Report

As the competition season marches forward, Team MDT continues its winning streak with numerous first--, second-, and third-place finishes! Kicking it off, Team MDT Shooters Keith Baker and Andy Slade took 1st and 4th at the 2024 Sheepdog Showdown. The 2024 Sheepdog Showdown was a 2-day PRS match, sponsored by Khales, held in the beautiful Catskill Mountains near Catskill, NY. Congratulations, Keith and Andy!

Across the Atlantic, Ryan Charlton took 2nd place at the Paintmine Woods PR22 match in Carnforth, England. He was closely followed by his wife Andrea, who was just one point behind him and came in third.

We caught up with Ryan, who had this to say: "British Rimfire shooters are preparing for a home Rimfire World Championships, and with the qualification process beginning shortly, it's great to see so many new shooters becoming competitive across all the different classifications and the club scene becoming so competitive and so busy. It's going to be a great competition to make the British Team across the board."

Ryan and Andrea Charlton!

Down in Alabama, Team MDT Shooter Mike Lilly took 2nd place at the Alabama Precision Shooter's Challenge. The event was a PRS match held in Carbon Hill, Alabama. Congratulations Mike!

Check out the latest video on our YouTube channel!



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